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  • Leigh Reynolds

Hi, I'm Sally

Hello, I’m Sally. I am shopping on Amazon today. I just got promoted and need a new tote for my laptop, so I can look professional at business meetings. This purchase is important to me. I could have gone to the mall, so I could see the bags in person. However, I have a lot of other things I need to get today, and the selection on Amazon is fantastic. Now let’s see. First, I’ll search for leather totes for laptops. Wish me luck!

Sally is one of 300 million Amazon shoppers

At the end of 2018 statistics show that there were 160 billion dollars sold on Amazon by third-party sellers alone followed by 117 billion dollars in first-party sellers.

Interesting, but how does this affect me? Because the one thing these buyers share is customer intent. As a seller on Amazon, selling to customers like Sally, you need to get into her head and figure out how to appeal to her. This starts with understanding her purchasing intention.

It is more than just using keywords and producing compelling copy. You need to figure out what Sally, your target customer, wants, and why.

She gave us a big hint; she just got promoted, she wants to look professional and requires a tote big enough to carry her laptop. So, in Sally’s case, we need to write copy that speaks to her specific need. Provide great photos of the tote including lifestyle photos showing professional women carrying the tote to work. Branded sellers can add videos to show how the tote looks on a model. Describe the materials of the bag with measurements so she will know if her laptop will fit.

But wait, you say, what about the other buyers for my tote shopping for other reasons? How do I reach them?

Good point. Step back and address every imaginable customer intention. Put yourself in the place of your buyer before you start writing any copy. Make a list of all the ways your tote is the right tote for each of your buyers.

The Process

Use a spreadsheet, if you are a visual person name each customer persona like we did with Sally. Write down what she is looking for and why? Some copywriters refer to this as finding pain points. Others call it anticipating buyer intention.

An excellent way to get insights into customer intention is to read the comments and questions on your competitor's listings. You can learn a lot from reading what they say. It is likely that if a customer wrote a comment the point they are making is important to them. Customer comments & questions ( customer communication) can be mined for good information.

Once you are finished, do your keyword research and add the keywords to your spreadsheet.

You should have a column for persona, copy, and keywords. You never want your copy to look keyword-stuffed, Amazon does not like it and neither does your buyer. Be mindful of the character limits. The title limits just changed so check your category character limits.

Use good clean copy with your most valuable keywords. You have four customer-facing opportunities in your listing to do this, in your title, your bullet points, and your description (or A+content), and if you have one, your storefront.

Think about all of your Sallys before you write your listing copy. The result is copy that is more personal and compelling. It will be well indexed due to your on-point keywords and convert to sales because you are addressing your consumers' needs.

Happy writing!

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